Take 5 with … Annamarie Jamieson
What was your VERY first job? How do we be more inclusive? What’s your favourite piece of tech?
Ahead of her Tech Fest talk - How to Build Inclusion into the Everyday - get to know Annamarie Jamieson, People & Culture Director of Stuff.co.nz through this quick-fire Q&A.
1. What was your very first paid job?
First ever paid job was the rather predictable unfortunately - baby sitting and working in a bakery where I developed my secret love of carbs.
2. In a sentence, what is the biggest issue your talk addresses?
The issue my talk addresses is the challenge for all of us to look at employment from a different lens and perspective.
3. What is a statistic that people might be surprised to learn?
People aged 15–24 with a disability are more than twice as likely to be unemployed (25%) as those aged 25–64 (7.9%).
4. What is one piece of advice you can give regarding being inclusive – either as an employer or as an individual?
Think of reasons to say yes as opposed to reasons to say no. Keep an open mind and remember deep down, we are all uniquely the same with the same aspirations to be connected and to make a contribution, be part of something bigger.
5. What is your favourite technology (app, device, system, solution) right now?
The off switch ;-)
Discover more about the topics Annamarie and the other speakers will address at HR +L&D Innovation & Tech Fest, 8-9 November at ICC, Sydney.