The Top 5 Changing Tech Landscapes for HR Professionals in Australia Outside of AI
Technology’s answer to HR’s 5 biggest challenges in 2023: The top transformational tech landscapes for HR Professionals in Australia
HR technology has never been more advanced and intuitive. While AI tech has grabbed the headlines during 2023, there are a slew of other modern digital tools also transforming People and Culture to meet employee expectations and contemporary business challenges.
According to a 2023 Gartner survey, the main objective 44 percent of HR leaders want from HR technology is better business outcomes, followed by growth in headcount and skills (26%) and thirdly, cost optimisation (17%).
Digging deeper, we have identified five key trends and shifts shaping the HR industry in Australia that are directly influencing the development and uptake of certain technologies.
1. Prioritising the employee experience is no longer just a ‘nice to have’
Getting down to dollars and cents, satisfied workers make for more positive business results. According to an Oxford University study, happier, more engaged employees are 13% more productive than their unhappy counterparts. And logically, happy employees are loyal employees and are more likely to go the extra mile or stay the extra year.
This goes a long way to explain why Employee Experience platforms have become so popular and taken the reins from human capital management (HCM) software and HR information systems (HRIS). These platforms have been designed to operate as seamless workflows as they handle more complex needs of an evolving, hybrid workforce with greater expectations regarding the duty of care owed to them by employers.
Employee experience platforms are made up of a suite of applications – often by a variety of vendors – that come together in one user-friendly portal to manage everything from employee listening, onboarding, custom career and development tracks, L&D experiences, promoting company culture and work-life balance for good measure too.
2. The need for more effective, informed, engaging learning experiences
According to LinkedIn’s 2023 Workplace Learning Report, the number one priority for L&D leaders in Australia is aligning learning and business goals. Also of note, 64% of organisations are providing learning opportunities to improve retention and 62% said online learning or recorded on-demand video content will continue to increase within their organisation.
Data analytics, personalisation and even spatial computing are taking learning to a more adaptive and effect level. L&D reaches its potential within an organisation when employees are getting the training and upskilling, they need when and where they need it. Data analytics within skills building platforms allow greater insight into the skills needed by teams and identify gaps. Digital learning tools provide the data needed to see the opportunities for improvement for both individuals and for the fulfilment of company goals.
While virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) may seem a bridge to far for some, we can expect to see more and more spatial computing in Australian organisations in coming months and years – especially as the cost of the hardware reduces. By simulating environments and experiences, employees are able to practice carrying out tasks and reacting to circumstances more freely and with greater frequency. They can be applied to most work situations – from manual tasks to sales tactics or even interactions on hot button issues like diversity and inclusion.
3. (FOME) The fear of missing employees!
LinkedIn’s survey also revealed that in Australia and New Zealand, 94% of organisations are concerned about employee retention and 81% agree it’s less expensive to reskill a current employee than hire a new one. Recruiting from within is getting much easier thanks to internal talent marketplace solutions that are designed to pair employees with internal positions, side projects, company mentors and career progression through learning opportunities. Again, these solutions provide an effective usage of the abundance of data enhancing workforce planning and talent management.
Separately, talent intelligence platforms use data analytically and predictably (AI powered) to source talent, assess and manage it, understand skills resources, succession planning and job design.
4. Getting smart about attracting (the right) talent in a highly competitive job market
Given the prevalence of labour shortages, earlier this year, Josh Bersin predicted the rise of the Talent Acquisition Suite, “tools that provide Interview Intelligence, video interviewing, technical skills assessment, and soft skills assessment are advancing at light speed”.
In a market when recruitment has never been more competitive, tools that offer hiring team's functions like embedding interesting and compelling videos in job ads and candidate emails can provide to be highly advantageous. Furthermore, the automation and AI generated intelligence can significantly reduce recruitment time.
5. Prioritising employee wellness in a meaningful way
The World Health Organization has estimated the impact of depression and anxiety on the global economy to be $1 trillion per year due to productivity loss. It’s unsurprising then that employee wellness is now being taken serious because of its link between a thriving workforce and a prosperous business.
During lockdowns, out of necessity, HR teams became adept at using online tools to check in on workers and help encourage wellness – we’ve heard countless examples of these at Tech Fest over the past few years.
Employee wellness platforms are now becoming more popular for HR teams and employees to provide central, accessible resources featuring tools that than help empower employees and create flourishing cultures of wellness and mental health awareness.
Beyond an information portal, wellness professionals are getting creative with technology to improve employee wellness with initiatives like gamified fitness programs, offering wearable technology to monitor activity levels, set goals and provide feedback. They also house apps like meditation and mindful aids; and provide access to and connection with mental health support.
For more revelations and examples on the latest ways tech is enhancing our industry, join us at HR L+D Tech Fest for two days of insights and strategies to navigate these challenges. Take a look at just some of our superstar speakers taking the stage this November in Sydney here.