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04 Jun 2020

Reinvention and song titles that sum up 2020: 4 thought leaders answer 4 questions.

What's going on?

In the lead up to the HR and L&D Virtual Innovation and Tech Fest, our speakers who are world renowned boundary pushers and academic thinkers answered 4 ‘warm up’ questions. Their answers provide a glimpse of their philosophies, their impressions on reinvention and what in the workplace needs to change.

First off, we spoke to:

HR and L&D Virtual Innovation and Tech Fest speakers

Do you have a philosophy or guiding principle that you apply to life/work?

Nicola Millard: It’s in my email signature – “If nothing’s going right, go left”.

Ben Whitter: Enjoy the experience.

Sharon Draper: I see everything as an opportunity to learn something. Even the most challenging experiences, after the emotions feel less raw, I try to find something I can take from it that can help me grow emotionally.

Michelle Ockers: Connection coupled with contribution and generosity creates new opportunities.



If you could rule the world for a day what's one thing you would change about the workplace?

Nicola Millard: Ban pointless meetings.

Ben Whitter: Everything.

Sharon Draper: I’d ensure each person has lifetime access to a supportive platform that helps them learn about themselves (why they think and behave the way they do) to develop agency over their actions and nurture their self-compassion.

This will enhance their ability to connect (and work) with people in a respectful, empathic and encouraging way as opposed to projecting their insecurities onto others and inciting defensive barriers that fuel disconnection. I believe if everyone had a safe space they could emotionally grow in, the workplace and ultimately the world, would be a better place.

Michelle Ockers: Everyone would be treated with respect and dignity. 



An example of reinvention that I love is:

Nicola Millard: UK beer maker BrewDog are endlessly innovating – from opening co-working spaces in their pubs (pre-pandemic), to pivoting to making hand sanitiser for the UK NHS, and brewing (extremely tasty) new beers with some amusingly topical names (e.g. Barnard Castle Eye Test IPA).

Ben Whitter: The standing desk.

Sharon Draper: How we’ve been able to adapt to working online/from home in a short amount of time. Specifically, how Telehealth has been impactful in being able to continue supporting mental health needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Michelle Ockers: Friday night drinks – now on Zoom with some of my best mates who don’t live in my city. 



Describe 2020 so far using a movie or song title.

Nicola Millard: The Big Sick 

Ben Whitter: Rocky

Sharon Draper: Stay Together by Suede

Michelle Ockers:  Times Like These by the Foo Fighters


REGISTER for FREE and find out more about the HR and L&D Virtual Innovation and Tech Fest here.




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